1. Variables:
- data/information that can change its value.
- it has: a. name/label
b. value
c. data type
d. place to store
2. Data types:
a. Integer/Int: Non-fractional number, eg, age=24, salary= 20000
b. Float: Fractional number, eg, percent=87.5
c. String: 'Test' eg, name= "Ram'
d. Boolean: Yes/No, True/False
e. Car/Character: single letter or character eg, 'x', 'y'
3. Operators:
-establish relation between variable and value
a. Relational: <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=
b. Mathematical:+,-,*,/
c. Logical: and, or, not (&&,||, !)
d. Assignment:=,+=,-=,*= (c+=5 ie c=c+5)
Types of language:
a. Strongly type language ( Java, C#, C++): must declare the type of data and can't change data type but only value
b. Loosely type language (Python): don't have to declare data type and can change both data type and value
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