Monday, February 17, 2025

List data structure in python

Further commands in list data structure

cars = {'Honda', 'BMW', 'Toyota', 'Audi'}
for d in cars:
    print (d)
cars.insert(3, 'BYD')


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Basics of Python

Escape Characters are used to include special characters in strings.


\n : new line

\t : tab

\" or \' or \\ : insert " or ' or \

Comment lines/multiple lines

  • Use #comment for actual comments.

# This is a comment
# This is another commented line
# This is yet another comment

  • Use ''' comment ''' or """ comment """ for multiline.

This is a multiline
that can act as a comment

Comment Multiple Lines in VS Code (Shortcut)
Windows/Linux: Select multiple lines and Press Ctrl + /
Mac: Select multiple lines and Press Cmd + /

Monday, February 10, 2025

Virtual Environment in VS Code

 In Powershell/cmd terminal of VS Code type the following:

  • python -m venv name [ name = name for yoyr vitrual environment]
For activation
  • name\Scripts\activate [(name) will appera before the folder path once the environment is activated]
Install packages in venv
  • pip install package_name [package_name= numpy, pandas, matplotlib]


Ma Nepal Haseko Herna Chahanxu," sung by Balen for the movie Laaj Sharanam, has been released.

Its currently trending at #1 on Trending for music !!

The song was recreated with a music video for the movie Laaj Sharanam. This song was released by Balen Jan 15,2015 on YouTube. The original song didn't had music video. 

Watch on YouTube.

BALEN - NEPAL HASEKO (LAAJ SHARANAM OST) (Lyrics/ Music Compose / Rap : Balen )


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Pythone code to calculate tax for annual salary

#define a function 
def tax_salary(salary):
    if salary < 5e5:
        tax= 0.01*5e5
    elif salary <7e5:
        tax = 0.01*5e5 + (salary-5e5)*0.02
    elif salary < 10e5:
        tax =0.01*5e5 + 2e5*0.02+ (salary-7e5)*0.1
        tax = 0.01*5e5 + 2e5*0.02+ 3e5*0.1+ (salary-10e5)*0.02
    return tax
salary = 75e4
tax = tax_salary(salary)
print(f'For annual salary of {salary}, the tax is {tax}')

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Earn Online: Daraz Affiliate Programme

Affiliate marketing is online way of earning by promoting the products and services of other companies and earn certain percentage commission. See details about it here.

Daraz Affiliate Program

Daraz is one of the  Nepal's largest online marketplaces which offers a very wide range of products; fashion, electronics, home appliances and many more. The Daraz affiliate provides commissions ranging from 2% to 10%, depending on the product category. Their program has quality tracking tools to monitor the performance of your affiliate links.

1. Log into your Daraz account via mobile app or web.
2. Go to Account> My affiliates
3. Sign up for the Daraz Affiliate Program
4. After signing up you will get list of items with the commission amount.
5. Select the item you want to promote and you will get the link, code and all details to be shared while promoting the product.
6. Include the link in your blog, websites, YouTube channel and other platforms.
7. You can see the performance of your links in the report section of the Daraz Affiliate Program.

The debate of size of Nepalese Army!!

 The recurrent expenditure of the country is rising. As the burden of recurrent expenses and financial management continues to grow, the recently introduced budget for the fiscal year 2081/82 (2024/25) shows that the share of capital expenditure is less than 19%. With time, the demand for larger and more ambitious development projects is increasing, raising concerns about their funding sources. Given that the government’s expected revenue collection barely covers recurrent expenditures, managing the development budget has become a major challenge.

Several efforts have been made to control recurrent expenditure. The government has announced mergers and dissolutions of various governmental bodies at different times, but their implementation has not been effective.

One of the widely discussed topics is the size of the Nepalese Army. There are ongoing discussions and debates at different levels about whether to reduce or increase the number of army personnel. Strong opinions exist on both sides of the argument.

Currently, the Nepalese Army has approximately 98,000 personnel. As a key component of the country’s security system, the army is mostly confined to barracks and is mobilized mainly in emergencies. Despite the continuous challenges regarding border security and disputes, the army has not yet been deployed to the border areas. Additionally, given Nepal’s border disputes with two major neighboring powers, diplomatic efforts should be prioritized over military deployment.

In recent years, the army has been involved in development and construction projects, successfully executing several challenging and complex tasks. Currently, the Nepalese Army is responsible for constructing the Kathmandu-Terai/Madhes Expressway, a national pride project.

Recently, concerns have been raised about the government's increasing social responsibilities, leading to fears that even the basic services and facilities provided to the public might be reduced. To cut administrative costs, the government should merge institutions with similar functions and streamline unnecessarily large public structures to make them more efficient.

The primary role of the Nepalese Army is to maintain peace and security, and the current number of personnel appears relatively large for this purpose. If development projects are to be carried out through the army, questions may arise about the role of other development agencies. Given the current need to increase investment in essential sectors such as education and healthcare, it is reasonable to consider reducing spending on lower-priority areas. Therefore, cutting the number of military personnel and reallocating funds to critical sectors like education and healthcare seems like a logical approach to improving the country’s economy.

Moreover, Nepal’s security system consists of three main forces: the Nepal Police, the Armed Police Force, and the Nepalese Army. The Armed Police Force serves as an intermediary between the Nepal Police and the Nepalese Army in terms of authority and organizational structure. Integrating the Armed Police Force into either the Nepal Police or the Nepalese Army could help balance the state’s administrative burden.

#BolnaDeSarkar #LetusSpeak #ReviseSocialMediaBill




Monday, February 3, 2025

Affiliate Marketing: A Guide for Beginner's

Affiliate marketing is online way of earning by promoting the products and services of other companies in your blogs, articles and video contents. And when  someone buys the product and services through your unique link called as affiliate link, you earn a commission of certain percentage as defined by the company.

Steps of Affiliate Marketing

  1. Join an Affiliate Program – Sign up with companies like Amazon, Daraz, or any other affiliate network providers.
  2. Get Your Unique Affiliate Links – Get you unique affiliate links from the networks.
  3. Promote the Products – By sharing your affiliate links on your blog, website, social media, or YouTube, promote the products with the links
  4. Earn Commission – When someone  makes a purchase by clicking through your links, you earn a commission of certain percentage of the sale.
Affiliate marketing in Nepal:

Daraz Affiliate Program

Daraz is one of the  Nepal's largest online marketplaces which offers a very wide range of products; fashion, electronics, home appliances and many more. The Daraz affiliate provides commissions ranging from 2% to 10%, depending on the product category. Their program has quality tracking tools to monitor the performance of your affiliate links.

Nepal Army; Increase or Decrease the size?

The recurrent expenditure of the country is rising. As the burden of recurrent expenses and financial management continues to grow, the recently introduced budget for the fiscal year 2081/82 (2024/25) shows that the share of capital expenditure is less than 19%. With time, the demand for larger and more ambitious development projects is increasing, raising concerns about their funding sources. Given that the government’s expected revenue collection barely covers recurrent expenditures, managing the development budget has become a major challenge.

Several efforts have been made to control recurrent expenditure. The government has announced mergers and dissolutions of various governmental bodies at different times, but their implementation has not been effective.

One of the widely discussed topics is the size of the Nepalese Army. There are ongoing discussions and debates at different levels about whether to reduce or increase the number of army personnel. Strong opinions exist on both sides of the argument.

Currently, the Nepalese Army has approximately 98,000 personnel. As a key component of the country’s security system, the army is mostly confined to barracks and is mobilized mainly in emergencies. Despite the continuous challenges regarding border security and disputes, the army has not yet been deployed to the border areas. Additionally, given Nepal’s border disputes with two major neighboring powers, diplomatic efforts should be prioritized over military deployment.

In recent years, the army has been involved in development and construction projects, successfully executing several challenging and complex tasks. Currently, the Nepalese Army is responsible for constructing the Kathmandu-Terai/Madhes Expressway, a national pride project.

Recently, concerns have been raised about the government's increasing social responsibilities, leading to fears that even the basic services and facilities provided to the public might be reduced. To cut administrative costs, the government should merge institutions with similar functions and streamline unnecessarily large public structures to make them more efficient.

The primary role of the Nepalese Army is to maintain peace and security, and the current number of personnel appears relatively large for this purpose. If development projects are to be carried out through the army, questions may arise about the role of other development agencies. Given the current need to increase investment in essential sectors such as education and healthcare, it is reasonable to consider reducing spending on lower-priority areas. Therefore, cutting the number of military personnel and reallocating funds to critical sectors like education and healthcare seems like a logical approach to improving the country’s economy.

Moreover, Nepal’s security system consists of three main forces: the Nepal Police, the Armed Police Force, and the Nepalese Army. The Armed Police Force serves as an intermediary between the Nepal Police and the Nepalese Army in terms of authority and organizational structure. Integrating the Armed Police Force into either the Nepal Police or the Nepalese Army could help balance the state’s administrative burden.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Right to Reject

"Right to Reject," or "None of the Above" (NOTA) option in election papers, allows voters to choose an option that signifies they do not support any of the candidates standing in the election. This option is intended to give voters a formal way to express dissatisfaction with all candidates and to potentially influence political parties to offer more suitable candidates. Though NOTA does not typically result in the annulment of the election or a re-election, it can highlight voter dissatisfaction and encourage political reform. 

On January,2014, the Supreme Court has directed the government to provision the voters’ “right to reject” all candidates in elections.

Its been 11 years past and still the Government and Election Commission have not shown any interest in implementing this decision and the court ruling,  was not implemented in the 2017 and  2022 elections. This rule will allow a voter with an option to reject all the candidates mentioned on ballot papers by ticking in a particular box set for the purpose.

So, to pressurize the Government and Election Commission lets trend #RightToRejectin2084 #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 in social media platforms.

#RightToRejectIn2084, #WeWantRightToRejectIn2084








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Variable, Data Types and Operators in Coding.

 1. Variables:

- data/information that can change its value.

- it has: a. name/label

               b. value

                c. data type

                    d. place to store

2. Data types:

a. Integer/Int: Non-fractional number, eg, age=24, salary= 20000

b. Float: Fractional number, eg, percent=87.5

c. String: 'Test' eg, name= "Ram'

d. Boolean: Yes/No, True/False

e.  Car/Character: single letter or character eg, 'x', 'y'

3. Operators:

-establish relation between variable and value

a. Relational: <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=

b. Mathematical:+,-,*,/

c. Logical: and, or, not (&&,||, !)

d. Assignment:=,+=,-=,*= (c+=5 ie c=c+5)

Types of language:

a. Strongly type language ( Java, C#, C++): must declare the type of data and can't change data type but only value

b.  Loosely type language (Python): don't have to declare data type and can change both data type and value

One post per day!

I am trying to monetize this blog through Google AdSense. One of the reasons why monetization has not been successful so far is the lack of sufficient content. To address this issue, I have decided to write one post per day from now on.

In the long run, I plan to make this blog more topic-focused, but for now, I will continue writing regularly and sharing my thoughts through this platform.

Please support me by reading my posts and leaving your comments.

Nepal's current government and parliamentary structure appear to be quite expensive and extensive.

Nepal's current government and parliamentary structure appear to be quite expensive and extensive. After the formation of provincial and local governments, many public services and structures were supposed to be decentralized and handed down accordingly. However, this has not been effectively implemented. To align with the spirit of the constitution and to strengthen federalism while maximizing efficiency, some adjustments to the central government and parliament seem essential. Therefore, the following proposals have been put forward to restructure the current system:

1. One District, One Representative

Parliamentarians are meant to formulate policies, not engage in development work. Each district should have just one representative.
There is no need for absentee parliamentarians who merely sign attendance for allowances but fail to meet the quorum during sessions.

  • MPs receive salaries for being in office.
  • They receive additional meeting allowances for attending parliamentary sessions.
  • If attending the parliament is their main job, why is there a separate allowance for it? Strange!
  • Moreover, some just sign in and leave, yet still claim allowances, while the parliament struggles to meet quorum.
  • How long will we keep electing such irresponsible representatives?

Furthermore, the rationale behind proportional representation seats must be clarified to the public, as they are often misused to bring in wives, children, brothers-in-law, contractors, and businessmen into parliament.

2. 8-10 Ministries

To strengthen federalism, local and provincial governments should be given responsibility for implementing projects within their respective areas, while the federal government should focus only on national priority projects. Therefore, the current 20-22 ministries at the federal level could be reduced to 8-10.

Additionally, ministers should be appointed only from MPs with relevant experience and qualifications in their respective ministries. This would reduce the race for ministerial positions and help MPs focus more on parliamentary duties.

3. An Expert and Inclusive National Assembly

Since elected parliamentary bodies may lack representation from subject-matter experts, law-making processes should include experienced professionals from various fields.

To address this, a 50-member National Assembly should be formed, including experts with a minimum educational qualification or at least 8-10 years of professional experience, ensuring inclusive representation.

Additionally, to reduce the number of VIP positions, the Vice President should also serve as the Chairperson of the National Assembly.

How long will the rule of the elderly continue?

#BolnaDeSarkar  #LetusSpeak   #ReviseSocialMediaBill 

Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda', 70 years

KP Sharma Oli, 72 years

Sher Bahadur Deuba, 78 years

Madhav Kumar Nepal, 71 years

Jhala Nath Khanal, 74 years

The government of Nepal considers individuals above 68 years as senior citizens and provides them with an elderly allowance. However, the top leaders who have ruled the country for the past three decades and still aspire to remain in power for as long as they live have already surpassed the senior citizen age limit set by the government. Yet, their desire for power remains at its peak.

Age does not necessarily hinder one from serving the country, and experienced leaders continue to lead worldwide. However, leadership should transform and upgrade with time, which is the core issue in our current politics.

The natural rule of leadership is to give opportunities to the new generation over time. However, in our country, the same old faces have been revolving in power for three decades. Even though they have already reached the age of senior citizens, their greed for power has not diminished.

How long will we have to endure the rule of elderly leaders?
This is a question that our generation must ask. Until young people step forward, until new ideas and perspectives enter politics, hoping for change is meaningless.

In many countries around the world, leadership transition has already taken place—bringing new ideas, fresh perspectives, and innovative strategies to drive national progress. In Nepal, too, should we continue to rely on the same old faces, or should we seek new leadership? The decision is in our hands!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

5th Geo-Science Exhibition organized by Nepal Geological Students’ Society (NGSS) has started!!

5th Geo-Science Exhibition

The 5th Geo-Science Exhibition organized by Nepal Geological Students’ Society (NGSS) with theme of “Geology in Action: From Exploration to Conservation.” has started today at the premises of Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Kritipur.

The exhibition will be held upto 26 Magh

Visit NGSS, Facebook page for more details.

hashtagGeology hashtagNGSS hashtagTU hashtagGeoExhibition 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Electricity sales: a false hope for economy.

Saying it won’t increase consumption; a proper policy is needed.

  1. For how many years have we been saying that electricity is going to waste? Has the price actually decreased? Why do we still have a Step-Up Tariff system that exploits the public? The more electricity people consume, the more expensive it gets. Is this how you expect consumption to increase? Isn’t it time to implement a policy where higher consumption leads to lower rates?

  2. What have we learned about using electricity beyond just lighting? Even if electricity were given for free starting tomorrow, lazy Nepalis would only leave the lights on 24/7. Do we have any other consumption strategies in place?

  3. Using locally produced electricity would contribute more to GDP than selling it abroad, yet India is rapidly constructing petroleum pipelines while we happily queue up to collect fuel. Even to sell oil, they lay pipelines; even to export electricity, they establish transmission lines. What are we doing?

  4. Municipalities are fighting over payments for streetlights. If the Nepal Electricity Authority is making a profit, what benefit does the public actually get?

  5. Instead of letting 1,000 MW of electricity go to waste tomorrow, why not distribute 100 MW for free today and develop consumption habits? Consumption won’t increase just by talking about it—Nepalis need to be accustomed to using electricity.

The current policy seems to be: "Sell rice and buy beaten rice to eat."("धान वेचउ, चिउरा बेसाएर खाऊ")
Instead of using our electricity, we buy petroleum to run our vehicles and gas to cook our meals.

Do we even need electricity in Nepal? Even if given for free, lazy Nepalis would just leave the lights on all day. That’s all they know. No book has taught us how to utilize electricity, nor has the government or the responsible authorities.

The only concern everyone seems to have is that Nepal has an excessive amount of electricity going to waste. Instead of finding ways to increase domestic consumption, the focus is on selling it cheaply to neighboring countries to earn some money.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

नारायण पोखरेलका भजनहरुको संग्रह

वाचन शिरोमणि पं . नारायण प्रसाद पोखरेल चर्चित पुराणवाचक पण्डित थिए।

नारायण पोखरेले विभिन्कान समयमा श्रीमद भागवत वाचन गर्दा गाएका भजनहरुको संग्रह।

श्री गणेशाय नमः

सवै मिली गरौ भजन।।

नजाउ वनमा, नजाउ वनमा

राम सिता लक्ष्मण, नजाउ वनमा।।

शिव शंकर भोला, शिव शंकर भोला

दर्शण दिन के होला, वित्नै लाग्यो बेला।। 

राम नाम जपेर, पार तर्ने हो

जिन्दगीको भर छैन कैले मर्ने हो।।

सधै हाम्लाई हतार, सधै हाम्लाई काम

मर्ने बेला भईसक्यो कैले जप्ने राम।।

 उदाउँदामा ब्रम्हाश्वर, माझमा महेश्वर

अस्ताउदामा स्वयम विष्णु, तिनै दिवाकर।।

नारायण नारायण भज परणी

यो जिवन मरेपछी हुन्छ खरानी।।

हरि भनन हरि भनन

छैनन हरि वनमा, भित्री मनमा।।

आज भन्यो भोलि भन्यो

जिन्दगी यो वित्योनी

हरि भजन कैले नभुल।।

हरि वोल हरि वोल, झुटो माया जानी

दुई दिनको जिन्दगानी, कर्कलाको पानी।।

आउनु भएन कृष्ण, आउनु भएन कृष्ण

गोकुलमा मुरली बजाउनु भएन।।

जय जय सरस्वति जय सावित्रि

जय जय वेद माता, जय गायत्रि।।

छिनाइदेउ मायाको डोरी

लौन प्रभु बचाइदेउ ए हरि।।

ब्रम्ह कमलैमा, ब्रम्ह कमलैमा

विष्णु सुते जलैमा, ब्रम्ह कमलैमा।।

श्याम सुन्दर भगवान गर्छौ पुकार,

दर्शन देऊ हामीलाई  ढिला नगर।।

वाहिर देख्ने आखालाई छेक्यो जालले

जान्न जान्न भन्दा पनि लान्छ कालले।।

जाउँला वैकुण्ठ,जाउँला वैकुण्ठ

नाच्दै गाउँदै बजाउँदै, जाउँला वैकुण्ठ।।