Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Although the Supreme Court ordered in Poush 2070 (December 2013 - January 2014) to implement the provision of #RightToReject in elections, even after 11 years, there has been no preparation by the Government of Nepal or the Election Commission for its implementation.

It seems necessary for everyone to put pressure on the concerned authorities to enforce the

Lets trend these and pressurize government









"Right to Reject," or "None of the Above" (NOTA) option in election papers, allows voters to choose an option that signifies they do not support any of the candidates standing in the election. This option is intended to give voters a formal way to express dissatisfaction with all candidates and to potentially influence political parties to offer more suitable candidates. Though NOTA does not typically result in the annulment of the election or a re-election, it can highlight voter dissatisfaction and encourage political reform. 

On January,2014, the Supreme Court has directed the government to provision the voters’ “right to reject” all candidates in elections.

Its been 10 years past and still the Government and Election Commission have not shown any interest in implementing this decision and the court ruling,  was not implemented in the 2017 and  2022 elections. This rule will allow a voter with an option to reject all the candidates mentioned on ballot papers by ticking in a particular box set for the purpose.

So, to pressurize the Government and Election Commission lets trend #RightToRejectin2084 #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 in social media platforms.